Secret Idol worship

Worship of private gods

Message based on notes of message given by Rev. Abraham Brake in the 1970s. pages 45-46.

Jacob departs his father-in-law Laban’s house in Haran and takes his wives Leah and Rachel to return to his father’s house in Caanan. Genesis 31:19&30-35.

  1. Isaac blesses Jacob who is told by his mother Rebekah to pretend to be the elder son Esau. Gen. 27:6-10.

  2. Esau hated Jacob and planned to slay him. Gen. 27:11

  3. Jacob flees to Haran to his father-in-law’s house where he served him for 21 years for his daughters Leah and Rachel.

  4. Jacob loved Rachel more. Gen. 29:17-18.

  5. Rachel is baren but God remembered her and opened her womb, and she bore a son, Joseph. Gen. 30:22-23.

  6. The Lord tells Jacob to return to the land of his fathers. Gen. 31:2-5,13.

  7. Rachel is not true to God and steals her father’s idols. Gen. 31:19.

  8. Laban acuses Jacob of stealing his idols. Jacob says whoever stole you gods, shall not live. Laban searches for his idols but Rachel had hidden them and lied about it. Gen. 31:30-35.

  9. Rachel dies after she delivers her second son Benjamin, and was buried on the way to Bethlehem. Gen. 35:19.

Idol of Micah and his mother. Judges Chapter 17

  1. Micah steals his mother’s 1100 shekels of silver, he hears her curse the thief, he confesses and returns the shekels. vs. 1-2.

  2. His mother reurns the shekels to Micah and instructs him “to make a graven image and a molten image” vs. 3-4.

  3. Micah had a house of gods and dedicated his son to become his priest. vs. 5

  4. In those days there was no king in Israel, and every man did what was right in his own eyes. vs. 6.

  5. A Levite from Bethlehem was traveling and Micah persuaded him to become his priest. vs. 7-13.

Selective idol worship has been universal in human history.

  1. The ancient cultures had numerous idols.

  2. The tower of Babel. Gen. 11:4,6.

  3. Abraham and Tera his father worshipped idols before God called Abraham. Tera was a maker of idols. Joshua 24:2.

  4. Many kings and pharaohs declared themselves gods. Nebuchadnezzar made an image of gold to be worshipped.

  5. Greek gods in Athens. Acts 17:18-23. Paul introduces the Athenians TO THE UNKNOWN GOD.

Below is the message audio

Below is the link to the typed notes

Secret Idol worship

Below is the link to the original hand written notes in Arabic

Secret Idol worship

Secret Idol worship

Not of this world


Gift of God in Christ