Apostle Simon Zelotes

Simon the Zealot-Simon the Caneanite should be Simon the Cana-nite, i.e. from Cana.

Hebrew word Kana means Jealous. Equivalent Greek word Zelotes.

Matthew 10:4 …Simon the Canaanite.

Mark 3:14-19 …Simon the Canaanite

Luke 6:15 …Simon called Zelotes.

He is not mentioned in the Gospel of John.

One of the most obscure of the apostles of Jesus.

Zealots party was the last of the great Jewish parties to emerge. It’s concern was to protect the national and religeous life of the Jewish people. They were looking for a Messiah to overthrow Rome. They played a role in the first revolt against Rome in 68 A.D.

Simon Zelotes would probably have become Zelous for Jesus. The Golden Legend records that Simon preached in Egypt and then in Persia where he was martyred in 65 A.D.

Below is the link to click on for the original hand notes.

Apostle Simon Zelotes

Apostle Simon Zelotes

James John’s brother


Philip the Apostle