Woman at the Well

Samaritan woman at the well.

Jesus sat at the well waiting for the Samaritan woman. John 4:3-30, 39-42.

  1. Jesus must pass through Samaria. vs. 4.

  2. Jesus and his disciples get to Sychar a city in Samaria. The disciples go to town to get bread.

  3. Jesus is tired and sits by Jacob’s well. vs. 6.

  4. The Samaritan woman comes to the well where Jesus is. vs. 7.

  5. Jesus asks her for a drink of water to begin a debate leading to Living Water. vs. 8-26.

  6. The woman goes back to town and brings the people to see Jesus. vs. 28-30

  7. Many of the Samaritans come to believed that Jesus is the savior of the world. vs. 39-42.

  8. Jesus reaches out to the woman at the well in Samaria to reach out to Samaritans who were considered Gentiles.

Eliezar, Abraham’s servant stops at the well and meets Rebekah at the well near the city on Nahor in Mesopotania. Genesis 24:1-27.

  1. Abraham needs a wife for his son Isaac from his home country. vs. 1-4.

  2. Eliezar goes to the city of Nahor, prays to God to direct him, and goes to the city well knowing that young women were the gatherers of well water . vs. 11-14.

  3. Rebekkah comes to the well and supplies water to Eliezer and his camels. vs. 15-20.

  4. Rebekkah annointed bride of Isaac. vs.21-28, 50-51.

Jacob met Rachel at a well as she came to water her father Laban’s sheep. Genesis 29:1-12, 28b.

  1. Jacob flees from his brother Esau to Haran and sees a well with 3 shepherds and their sheep. vs. 1-8.

  2. Rachel then came with her father’s sheep. vs. 9.

  3. Jacob rolls away the stone and waters Rachel’s sheep. vs. 10.

  4. Jacob introduces himself as a relative of her father. vs.11-12.

  5. Rachel becomes Jacob’s wife after working for her father Laban 7 years.

Moses met his future wife Zippora at a well when she came with her sisters to water her father’s flock. Exodus 2:15-22.

  1. Moses fled from Pharaoh of Egypt to Midian where he sat by a well.

  2. The priest of Midian’s 7 daughters came to a well to water their father’s flock. There were shepherds that drove them away.

  3. Moses rescued them and watered their sheep.

  4. Their father invites Moses to his house and gives him Zippora to be his wife.

In the ancient world women obtained water from the city well. Men & boys worked the fields and shepherded the cattle and sheep.

Below is the message audio

Below is the typed link to the message notes pdf

Woman at the Well.pdf

Woman at the Well

Zechariah The Messianic Prophet
