Zechariah The Messianic Prophet

Zechariah was the second post-exilic prophet after the exiles of the southern kingdom of Judah were returned during the reign of Darius of the Persian Empire. He is referred to as the Prophet of the Restoration. Written 520-518 B.C. He was also a priest. Zechariah means “God remembers”

The book of Zechariah contains the largest number of prophesies about the Messiah among the Minor Prophets including Christ’s first coming, His second coming as Savior, Judge and righteous king.

Overview of the chapters.

  1. History of the kingdom of Judah. Chapters 1-6

  2. Fortells of the coming of the Messiah. Ch. 7-8.

  3. God’s providence and coming Messiah. Ch. 9-11.

  4. The latter days and the triumph of God’s Kingdom. Ch 12-14.

Key passages in the book of Zechariah.

  1. Turn unto me says the Lord and I will turn unto you. Chapter 1:1-3.

  2. I will come and dwell in the midst of thee, and many nations shall be joined to the Lord… Ch. 2:10-11.

  3. Thy King cometh unto thee: He is just, and having salvation, lowly and riding on an ass, and upon the colt of an ass. Ch. 9:9. Referring to the Triumphal Entry when Jesus came to Jerusalem riding on an ass. Matt. 21:4-5.

  4. Refers to Jesus as the Shepherd of the sheep. Ch. 11:7a.

  5. Reference to Judas Ischariot betraying Jesus for 30 pieces of silver. Ch. 11:12-13.

  6. Jerusalem mourning over the crucifiction of Jesus. Ch. 12:10-11. This is the 3rd statement about the coming of Christ.

  7. Fountain for cleansing from sin. Ch. 13:1.

  8. Living waters shall go out from Jerusalem…and the Lord shall be king over all the earth…Ch. 14:8-9. This is a prophesy regarding the end times when Christ returns.

Below is a more detailed message audio.

Zechariah The Messianic Prophet

Reconciled to God


Woman at the Well