Jesus’s Parables

Jesus teaching often using Parables.

Method of selective teaching using the familiar to explain the unfamiliar.

Used by Jesus to explain the mysteries of the Kingdom of God.

Words of a master teacher but also the sentences of a Holy Judge.

One third of Jesus’s teachings found in the parables.

Distribution in the gospels is unequal. 18 are in Luke, 10 in Matthew, 1 in Mark none in John’s gospel. A few are in 2 or 3 Gospels.

Overview of the ministry of Christ:

  1. Year of obscurity-Early Galilean ministry and Judean ministry of 8 months.

  2. Year of public favor-Greater Galilean ministry - 18 months.

  3. Year of opposition.

The included parables. To see each parable notes and audio message click on the underlined links below.

  1. Parable of the sower & soils. Matthew Ch. 13, Mark Ch. 4, Luke Ch. 8. Read the Parable of the Sower Here

  2. Parable of the New wine and old wineskins. Luke 5:27-39. Read the Parable of the New Wine and old Wineskins Here.

  3. Parable of the Lost Sheep. First of the trilogy of the lost sheep, lost coin & lost sons parables in Luke Ch. 15. Lost sheep also in Mattew Ch. 18.

  4. Parable of the lost coin.

  5. Parable of the prodigal - the rebellious son that recovers and is restored.

  6. Parable of the elder son that rejects reconciliation.

  7. Parable of the two debtors. Luke 7:36-50.

  8. Parable of the unmerciful servant. Matthew Ch. 18. Delivered at the Damascus Church 1979 with arabic notes. Read the Parable of the Unmerciful Servant Here.

  9. Parable of the unjust Stewart. Luke 16:1-16.

  10. Parable of The labors in the vineyard. Matthew Ch. 19 & 20:1-16.

  11. Parable of the Wedding Banquet.

  12. Parable of the Mustard Seed.

  13. Parable of the Good Samaritan.

Below is the link to click on to see the scanned hand written notes. Many of the parables are also separate posts.

scanned hand written notes combined parables.

Jesus’s Parables

Beginning of Jesus’s Ministry


Jesus’s Early Years